Good Grief potion


Good Grief potion


All FAMILIAR made products are made in limited batches, in season. (Slow medicine is not always available all year round!)

Hawthorne berry, leaf and thorn, wild rose petal, garden rose petal and rosehip, lilac flower essence infused into brandy with raw Wisconsin honey.

A potion for our times. Sometimes it feels like we have so much grief its impossible to hold- grief over loss of loved ones or isolation, grief for the political divide, climate grief, relational grief. Good Grief was made to help one process grief instead of holding it inside- to stretch our inner space holding- to ritualize what stays locked behind doors and in the dark.

You are responsible for researching any possible interactions or contraindications related to using this potion.

Hawthorne- opens and fortifies the heart space

Thorn medicine- creates boundaries and draws lines

Honey- sweetness and recall of the good

Rose- anti depressant and nervine properties, calming and stress relieving, increases capacity for self love through dialing down emotional tension when grieving

Lilac flower essence- uplifts and sees joy when coping with melancholy and anxiety

Sealed with reiki and prayer.

Only made fresh in season, in small batches. Once it’s gone, it’s gone until next year!

**This is not medicine and I am not a doctor, we do not prescribe, treat or cure disease. No website comment or social media share should be considered health advice. You are responsible for consulting a medical professional before trying any new herb or remedy mentioned in the website or any related forum. Stop using if irritation occurs!

Shipping: Everything is made to order and then shipped as soon as it is completed. I ship USPS 2-3 business days. Thank you for your patience & supporting small business / the USPS!

FOR LOCAL PICKUP- PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING: When you receive your fulfillment email, your order is READY FOR PICK UP and already IN the pick-up box- come grab it! We are in Riverwest. The address will be in your fulfillment email. PLEASE DO NOT select this option unless you can come within a few days, & be mindful of temperature extremes affecting your order. We are not responsible for items left after 7 days.

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